Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Senior Advocate Threatens To Sue Tiwa Savage for Damaging Her Husband's Reputation

What I will add to this is that, young couples should learn to resolve their issues without going to the social media, looking for who will pity or support them against their wife or husband. 

Manage your issues; talk to your wife, talk to your husband, see pastors for prayer. If all these fail... go your separate ways in peace, because of your kid(s). Social media can't do any good to your marriage.

Popular OAP Freeze said a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) called him and indicated his readiness to file a case against Tiwa Savage on behalf of her husband, Tee Billz, for character assassination, and make her pay some huge amount of money. Trouble no good! Read what he wrote below...

Dear Social Media Users,
The Internet has been buzzing with the Tiwa & T Billz saga since Thursday, and opinions are divided into two schools. There is #TeamTiwa where the supporters are of the mindset that Tiwa was cheated and abused by Billz who is the devil, while the devotees of #TeamTbillzare clamoring that Tiwa went overboard with her interview and the damage to T Billz was excessive. I'm sorry to say this, but what we have here is not an Arsenal vs Man-U match, where one team wins. In fact, to be entirely logical, none of them can win.

Sir Isaac Newton's third law of motion, states that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction" and if used as a reference, we will end up with a constant chain of action-reaction scenarios, which is the perfect formula for a lose-lose situation.

If you really love Tiwa, you won't want the father of her first son to be dragged in the mud, so stop celebrating his pain. I read today, that Banky's mum kicking Billz out of Banky's flat, as an aftermath of Tiwas interview. If you think Tiwa holds the Aces now, think again, because a gentleman called me earlier today, introducing himself as a senior advocate of Nigeria (SAN), and that he want to file a lawsuit against Tiwa on Behalf of TBillz, sighting character assassination and demanding a scary amount of money in punitive damages. He went on to say that the destruction to Billz reputation is irreparable. He went on to inform me that legally, the onus would be on Tiwa to prove that he actually used the drugs which won't be an easy task. 

I had to plead with him for almost an hour before he could change his mind. In the same vein, if you are a die hard Billz fan damaging Tiwa's reputation won't help him as she remains the mother of his son Jamil. Tiwa is also an important factor in the determination of Jamil's moral upbringing, as he would be in her custody till he attains maturity.

Whether we accept it or not, Tiwa and TBillz are both victims here. Therefore, the ONLY winning team is #TeamJamil and for this team to win, both his parents have to be respected and prayed for.
Thank you.


  1. Nice write up, but I totally disagree with this part where you excitedly mentioned that a SAN is interested in suing Tiwa.

    You weren't thinking that Tiwa can also get a SAN to sue Blizz for assassinating her mum's character abi? Calling her a witch. That guy really went too far if you ask me.

    Blizz's action by taking to social media was the worst mistake he ever made. He really acted like a boy not a man definitely.

    We are all learning from all the actions and reactions of these episodes.

    I pray for God's intervention in all these. It will be my joy to see them settle amicably and either continue or discontinue for the sake of peace cos if it's not working, it's definitely not working. Marriages these days are built on falsehood reason for high divorce rate.

    May God help us ALL.


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