The minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, has said
that the federal government will not be distracted or intimidated in
abandoning the fight against corruption, in spite of attacks.
Mohammed, who spoke at a meeting with Bureau Chiefs of national newspapers in Abuja on Monay, stated that though corruption is fighting the back, the governor is determine and winning the war.
He insisted that, "No amount of media or other attacks will stop the fight. The pseudo-analysts and hack writers will labour in vain in their quest to stop the train of this anti-corruption fight.
“Well, I can tell you today that corruption is already fighting back, and it is fighting hard and dirty. When I met with the news and political editors in Lagos on Sunday, I said, among other things, that the government is aware that in fighting corruption, corruption will also fight back.
“I also said that those who stole us dry are powerful. They have newspapers, radio and television stations as well as online platforms, and an army of supporters to continuously deride the government’s war against corruption.
“Sponsored articles have started appearing in the newspapers and on social media, while ‘talking heads’ have started making the rounds in the electronic media all deriding the fight against corruption as well as this administration.
"Not stopping there, they have been creating distractions by sponsoring articles in both local and international media to deride the administration’s policies generally, tag the president a budding dictator and even write off his 2016 budget.”
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