Monday, October 5, 2015

Woman aborts her unborn baby because she wants to get a nose job and star in porn films

British woman, Josie Cunningham checked into a clinic last week to abort her unborn child, so that she could have a nose job done. Josie said she terminated the unplanned pregnancy at 12 weeks because Doctors told her it was too risky to have nose surgery while pregnant.
 “I’m having this nose job no matter what gets in my way. Pregnancy was a major obstacle and an abortion was the answer to it – so that’s what I did. Anyone who criticises me for putting my looks ahead of an unborn child has no right until they’re the ones putting food on the table for my kids. I don’t care what anyone thinks. My body, my decision.” She told the Sunday People

Josie's ultrasound photo on Sept 9th 2015
The mum of three from Leeds went on: “I put my life on hold for my other kids. But now is my chance to get the looks I need so I can have the ­career I always wanted.
"And I’ll love the money.”
Scrounging Josie , who has worked as an escort, was ­already a ­national hate figure after a string of shocking antics.
She had a £4,800 boob job and botox on the NHS, smoked and boozed while pregnant and ­admitted she had planned to abort her youngest child ­because she had a chance of going on Big Brother.

Public outrage led to her cancelling the abortion in April last year and keeping baby Grace, who is now one.
But Josie, 25, has now gone through with her threat to sacrifice a child in pursuit of money after becoming ­pregnant for a fourth time.
All her pregnancies have been with different men.

She said: “It’s not like I planned this. I was seeing someone I liked and got a bit brutal in the bedroom. We did use a condom but it split.
“I was meant to take the morning after pill but I had a photoshoot the following morning and didn’t get a chance to run into a pharmacy.
“I thought I was safe and sometimes you have to put your career first.”
She said: “I had already booked a consultation at a cosmetic surgery company before I found out I was pregnant.
"I’d had the boobs done, I had the body. But I realised that to be really successful in the adult industry I needed the face too.
“I was excited about getting the nose I’ve always wanted. Mine is too wide and too round at the end.
“When I found I was pregnant I told the dad and he was really happy.
“But I was already thinking about the effect having another baby would have on my plans. I want to do glamour and some more adult work, like porn films.
"That is hard when you’re ­pregnant or have just had a baby.
“I spoke to the advisor at the ­cosmetic surgery clinic three weeks ago and she was telling me about the different kinds of surgery.
"I was getting really excited. But when I mentioned I was pregnant she immediately said the surgeon wouldn’t operate on me.
“I was told it could harm the baby and they even recommend waiting a year even after I gave birth before having it done.
"I called a few other clinics and they all said the same. My heart sank but I knew what I had to do.”
Josie with her youngest child she almost aborted last year
She said: “People can hate me – but the pregnancy was ­going to ruin my chance of finally making it. I’d been planning and saving for this surgery and nothing was going to get in my way.
“I’m not stupid enough to think I’m model material right now – but with a nose job I can have the ­career I dream of.
“Of course it’s bad timing and I am sad. But I’d have been more sad if I couldn’t carry out my plans. Next year I’ll be posing for glamour shots instead of nine months pregnant lying on the sofa with fat ankles.
"That’s my decision and no one else’s.”
Josie is not worried that her attitude will shock many people.
She said: “People can think what they like. It’s my life, my body, my baby. Therefore its my decision. Every woman has a right to that decision.”
Defiant Josie who admitted last year she did not know whether the father of her youngest child was a footballer or a client she met while working as a £1,000-a-night escort – claims bullying in part sparked her controversial decision.
She said: “I’ve dreamt of a nose job for years because I’ve been told for years that I’m ugly because of my nose. You can’t bully me for the way I look then do the same when I try to change it".
Josie also insists her decision was best for everyone, including the baby’s father and her two sons and a daughter.
She said: “The cracks were already appearing in our ­relationship after seven months and we weren’t going to last. I didn’t tell my boys I was ­pregnant so they haven’t lost anything and Grace is too young to know what’s going on.”
She also defends being a mum and an adult movie star at the same time.

UK Mirror


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