Tuesday, July 28, 2015

9 Reasons You Should Date The Girl Who Makes You Laugh


By finding a girl who you appreciate for her personality, you’ll provide a layer of attraction that won’t fluctuate from month to month – or Instagram filter to Instagram filter, just the same.

There’s nothing  than a funny girl because – of all the personality traits you could look for in a girl – why wouldn’t you strive for the one that keeps you smiling the most?
That’s how I feel, anyway. Here are nine reasons why you should always date the girl who can make you laugh.
9. She’s intelligent
When you meet a witty girl, it’s hard not to recognize how smart she is behind her big smile. When a woman has the ability to make you laugh consistently, it’s not by accident, trust me – it’s deliberate – and I’m sure she’s well aware of the power she has, at times, over you.

She knows how to critique things without being offensive; she understands the right and wrong times to make light of situations, and you could never confuse her sense of humor for impoliteness.
She forces you to think, and the ability to provoke thought – even through humor – proves that she’s aware of things, and not just another close-minded product of our generation. It’s almost impossible to grow bored of a girl who forces you to think.

8. She doesn’t need designer heels to be attractive
There are some girls who live and die by their physical appearance. While, sure, you might throw them eyes from across the room – often, when you finally find the balls to approach to them – you realize they were more desirable to look at than to speak to.
It’s almost impossible to invest any long-term emotion into women like that, especially when considering the delicacy of our physical appearances.

Regardless of what they’re wearing, or what filter they choose to drown out their Instagram photos, women with senses of humor always will capture your attention – whenever they feel like it.
7. She’s real
Nowadays, so many women are obsessed with pushing this false impression of who they are. They do things for “the Gram,” and forget that “the Gram” isn’t real f*cking life – it’s a social media platform – and regardless of how many “likes” they receive on there, they rarely translate into real-world adoration.
That sh*t is fake. Do you really think 100+ people especially “like” the fact that someone else is lying poolside at the Fontainebleu? The way I see it, if that’s the only way a girl can feel appreciated, she needs to throw her iPhone in the deep end – and do some thinking.
Funny women are genuine and other genuine people will always recognize that. This is why witty girls will always have tons of friends, yes, real… human… friends. People who show their affection, not by double tapping their phone screen, but by choosing to spend their time with them.
6. She’s confident
There really aren’t too many shy comedians, are there? At least not too many successful ones, at any rate. Anyone who’s ever tried telling a joke at a dinner party has probably felt a glimmer of pressure, before having a go at it. But, that’s the nature of the business.
A good sense of humor shows courage in social situations – and confidence in oneself. Funny women typically know they’re funny, and their ability to use that as a tool of attraction has always been , in my mind.
Many men are intimidated by funny women, instead electing to date chicks who simply laugh at their own jokes – and don’t step on their comedic toes. That’s isn’t any fault of the woman who can make people laugh, it just shows how unconfident a lot of dudes are.
5. She will take control of the conversation
Sometimes, as a guy, you’ll want the woman to take the wheel and steer your conversational vehicles, so to speak. Girls who are funny are usually able to dictate conversational directions, by adding sarcasm or touches of light-heartedness to given scenarios.
When she makes a little wisecrack, you’ll recognize it, and respond back with something of your own. When she laughs at something, you’ll probably feel the impulse to do the same.
Funny girls will take a lot of pressure off you because things don’t always have to be so serious. Maybe she’s fine without that wakeup text every morning, at 7:45 on the dot, as long as you can share a laugh or two by lunchtime.
4. She’ll make you work
When a woman flexes her sense of humor, naturally, it will compel you to do the same. If she says something witty, you’re not going to want to be outdone, in the sincerest of fashions.
Finding a funny girl, if you consider yourself to be a funny guy, is honestly a beautiful thing. As she makes you laugh, you’ll catch yourself trying to “one up” her. Yet, to accomplish this, you’re really only trying to make her laugh – and laugh with more vigor than you did, yourself.
It drives you to think before you speak and actually devote some attention to detail into the words you say (or type, over text). She will make you work harder – and you’ll appreciate that down the road.
2. She’ll tear your guard down
Funny women will allow you to be yourself because, well, they’re probably just being themselves too. That’s the best part about funny people – they find humor in even the most mundane things, which never necessitates too much effort in return.
Most funny women won’t feel obligated to receive any expensive gifts – and they’ve probably already learned that nothing material, whatsoever, is required for happiness
You’ll never have to be someone else, other than yourself, to elicit a smile from her – and that provides a peace of mind that cannot be duplicated through any other character trait. As long as you’re present in your relationship with her, I guarantee that she’ll be able to find something to smile about.
1. Grudges don’t ever end up lasting too long
You could literally be fuming with your girl – but, if she’s funny – it will never last long. It’s the best when she knows how mad you are, too, and still finds a way to make you smile. The ability to do this will constantly keep you in check, from a bigger picture standpoint.
Most of the time, arguments are about petty bullsh*t, things that you’ll probably forget in a few week’s time – yet can linger for months. Sometimes you just need a girl who can make you laugh, and shake it off (cue Taylor Swift voice) before it evolves into something entirely avoidable.
It’s hard to stay mad at a girl, when you know deep down that you’d rather be in bed laughing with her. When you find a girl like this, hold on to her, because not only will she make a great girlfriend – but she’ll also be your best friend, too.


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