Thursday, April 30, 2015


Less than one month to the hand over date, President Goodluck Jonathan is flexing muscles. He has warned the incoming government headed by Present-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari to avoid actions that seem as if it is creating a parallel government when a government is still in place.

Specifically, the Federal Executive Council (FEC) at its meeting on Wednesday raised an objection to some terms of reference tabled before it by the transition committee of the incoming APC government.
"The incoming government should avoid creating a parallel government while the government is still on. We take exceptions to some utterances of some of the terms of reference that look as if the current government is being stampeded or intimidated."

Minister of National Planning, Abubakar Suleiman and his Information counterpart, Patricia Akwashiki who briefed journalists after the FEC meeting presided over by the president said council cautioned that Jonathan’s magnanimity should not be interpreted to mean he is a coward.

Suleiman noted that in opposing the terms of reference of the incoming government’s transition committee, FEC advised its members to comply strictly with “the terms of reference as formatted by our (Jonathan's government) transition committee”.

According to him, FEC observed that the terms of reference of the incoming government’s inauguration committee looked as if the outgoing Jonathan’s government was being intimidated.

Saying they warned against parallel government, he said, “We did receive from in-coming government transition committee some terms of reference which we looked at critically. And ‎council did agree that the Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan government remains the current government of this country.

Noting that Jonathan should not be seen as a coward, the minister said, “The magnanimity of ‎Mr. President should not be taken to be cowardice and that is why Mr. President and indeed council members enjoined Nigerian people to see the olive branch extended to Nigerians and international community as a way of keeping this country intact, as a way of ensuring peace in Nigeria and as such whatever the outcome of the election, what is important is Nigeria’s national interest and that national interest should be protected, enhanced and promoted at whatever level we are."

If Jonathan doesn't want peace, he too will suffer the consequences, not only ordinary Nigerians.


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